#9 matthew_skinner 1451 days, 13 hrs ago

Just a thought but would also be interested to see this data on the map, how many meals, food source, miles and cost etc.

#10 vicky 1445 days, 12 hrs ago

Hi Matthew, have you got that data? We’ve only added data that’s available on Lambeth’s open data page.

#11 diarmid 1441 days, 16 hrs ago

How many meals is (I think) the data that we’ve published. We had a problem with there being large areas with very few users, so I’m not sure it’s too helpful as it is.

What’s the question you are looking to answer with this? Wouldn’t it be more interesting to know who would like (not just need!) to receive meals delivered to their homes and what kind of food they would like to eat? We’d need to crowd source that data.

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